
Flutter, Android Studio Flutter

Assuming you have Java set up. If you haven’t, you can refer the Java setup page

Installing Android Studio

The most convenient way to install and manage JetBrains IDEs like Android Studio, IntelliJ is via their JetBrains Toolbox app. It makes it easier to update/downgrade versions of your various JetBrains IDEs as well as see all your projects for those IDEs in one place

Installing Flutter

Following the official Flutter Linux installation docs:

Linux-based systems support virtual machine acceleration via KVM (Kernel-based VM) package. Referring the official Android Developer docs to Configure hardware acceleration for the Android Emulator

The Configure VM acceleration on Linux section only mentions how to do it for Ubuntu/Debian based distros. You can also refer Ubuntu’s KVM installation docs. However, for Fedora in my case, I’m referring the Fedora Quick Docs page for Virtualization:

Upgrading Flutter

Referring the Flutter docs:

# Upgrading Flutter SDK
flutter upgrade

# Identify out-of-date package dependencies and get advice on updating them
flutter pub outdated

# Update to the latest compatible versions of all the dependencies in pubspec.yaml
flutter pub upgrade