Static Members in C++ classes
If we want to keep a data member or member function commonly accessible to all objects of the class (without being compiled separately for each object), we can make them static
Consider below example for computing the Nth Padovan number in this GFG question. We pre-compute the ans
vector only once and use that commonly for all objects of Solution
Static member variables must be defined outside of the class definition to allocate memory for them. Notice the
vector<int> Solution::ans;
class Solution { static vector<int> ans;
public: static void init () { // Pre-compute ans[] ONLY ONCE and use it everywhere if (ans.empty()) { ans.resize(1e6 + 1, 0); ans[2] = ans[1] = ans[0] = 1; for (int i = 3; i <= 1e6; i++) { ans[i] = ans[i - 2] + ans[i - 3]; } } }
Solution () { init(); }
int padovanSequence (int n) { return ans[n]; }};
// Allocating memory for the static membervector<int> Solution::ans;
int main () { int t; cin >> t; while (t--) { int n; cin >> n; Solution ob; cout << "p(" << n << ") = " << ob.padovanSequence(n) << endl; } return 0;}