C++ primer
- STL - Introduction
- STL - Vectors
- STL - Sequence Containers & Adaptors
- STL - Associative Containers
- STL - Algorithms
- C++ Character functions
- More C++
Theory and prerequisites
- Algorithm Complexity
- Handy DSA hacks
- Graph Representation
- Recurrence relations and Master theorem
- Loops vs Recursion
- Types of Recursion
Sorting and Searching algorithms
Graph algorithms
Arrays & Strings
- 🔵 Design a dynamic (resizable) array
- 🔵 Contains Duplicate
- 🔵 Valid Anagram
- 🟢 Valid Palindrome
- 🟢 Two Sum
- 🟡 Group Anagrams
- 🟡 Top K frequent elements
- 🟡 Product of Array except self
- 🟡 Valid Sudoku
- 🟡 Longest Consecutive Sequence
Stack, Queues, Heaps
- 🔵 Stack Implementation
- 🔵 Queue Implementation
- 🟢 Valid Parantheses
- 🟡 Top K frequent elements