STL - Associative Containers

Tags:  cppstlcontainers

Commonly used associative containers are:

pair and tuple being similar to these, have been placed in this section


The pair container is used to club two items together

Ordered vs Unordered associative containers

Metricset , mapunordered_set , unordered_map
KeysElements are sorted by keysNo sorting of elements
OperationsOperations take O(logN) timeOperations take O(1) avg. time
InternalsUses balanced BST internallyUses Hashing internally
Custom-typeSupports custom (sortable) data typesHash function required for custom types

If the hash function is poorly defined, operations in unordered_set & unordered_map can take O(N) time in worst case due to several collisions

Also refer these posts for writing better hash functions:


Both set and unordered_set store a collection of unique keys of a specified type

CPP Reference: set, unordered_set

Declaration: set<Type> , unordered_set<Type>

Look-up in sets

Size functions in sets

.empty() , .size() , max_size()

Iterators in sets

Modifiers in sets

Examples of sets

unordered_set demo
void printHashSet(unordered_set<int> &us) {
for (auto &key : us) {
cout << key << " ";
cout << endl;
// Lookup using find()
void lookupViaFind(unordered_set<int> &us, int key) {
if (us.find(key) != us.end()) {
cout << key << " found in set" << endl;
} else {
cout << key << " NOT found in set" << endl;
// Lookup using count()
void lookupViaCount(unordered_set<int> &us, int key) {
if (us.count(key)) {
cout << key << " found in set" << endl;
} else {
cout << key << " NOT found in set" << endl;
int main() {
// declare, initialize
unordered_set<int> us1{10, 20, 30};
printHashSet(us1); // 30 20 10
// Lookup
lookupViaFind(us1, 10); // 10 present in set
lookupViaCount(us1, 20); // 20 present in set
// insert(key)
vector<int> v1{42, 17, 55, 64, 25};
// insert(start,end)
us1.insert(v1.begin(), v1.end());
printHashSet(us1); // 25 64 55 42 17 30 20 10
// initializer list
us1.insert({1, 2, 3, 4});
printHashSet(us1); // 2 1 25 64 3 55 42 4 17 30 20 10
unordered_set<int> us2{100, 99, 98, 10};
// merge keys
printHashSet(us1); // 99 98 10 20 17 4 100 42 55 3 64 25 30 1 2
unordered_set<int> us3{1, 2, 1, 0, 2}; // handles duplicates
printHashSet(us3); // 0 2 1
unordered_set<int> us4{1, 2, 3, 4};
us4.erase(70); // no change
printHashSet(us4); // 4 3 1
return 0;
void printSet(set<int> &ss) {
cout << "[ ";
for (auto &key : ss) {
cout << key << ", ";
cout << "]" << endl;
int main() {
// declare, initialize
set<int> s1{10, 20, 30};
// [ 10, 20, 30, ]
set<int> s2{1, 2, 1, 0, 2}; // duplicate keys not inserted
// [ 0, 1, 2, ]
const int TARGET = 20;
// Lookup via find()
if (s1.find(TARGET) != s1.end()) {
cout << "Key " << TARGET << " found" << endl;
// Key 20 found
// Lookup via count()
if (s1.count(TARGET)) {
cout << "Key " << TARGET << " found" << endl;
// Key 20 found
// insert(key)
// [ 10, 20, 30, 888, 999, ]
vector<int> v1{42, 17, 55, 64, 25};
// insert(start,end)
s1.insert(v1.begin(), v1.end());
// [ 10, 17, 20, 25, 30, 42, 55, 64, 888, 999, ]
// insert({...})
s1.insert({3, 1, 2, 3});
// [ 1, 2, 3, 10, 17, 20, 25, 30, 42, 55, 64, 888, 999, ]
auto moreThan20 = s1.upper_bound(20);
cout << "Key > 20: " << *moreThan20 << endl;
// Key > 20: 25
auto atLeast55 = s1.lower_bound(55);
cout << "Key >= 55: " << *atLeast55 << endl;
// Key >= 55: 55
set<int> s3{100, 99, 98, 10};
s1.merge(s3); // merge keys
// [ 1, 2, 3, 10, 17, 20, 25, 30, 42, 55, 64, 98, 99, 100, 888, 999, ]
// erase(key)
s1.erase(70); // key doesn't exist, so no removal
auto itr = s1.find(99);
// erase(itr)
// erase(start,end) removes keys within [start,end)
s1.erase(moreThan20, atLeast55);
// [ 1, 2, 10, 17, 20, 55, 64, 98, 100, 888, 999, ]
return 0;


Both map & unordered_map store a collection of pairs of key-value mappings with unique keys

C++ Reference: map , unordered_map

Declaration: map<keyType,valueType> , unordered_map<keyType,valueType>

We can pass our custom hash function as: unordered_map<keyType, valueType, hashFunction>

Look-up in maps

Size functions in maps

.empty() , .size() , max_size()

Iterators in maps

Modifiers in maps

Examples of maps

Other ways of traversing maps
unordered_map<int, char> ump{{3, 'r'}, {1, 'p'}, {4, 'w'}};
cout << "[ ";
// Range-based loop WITHOUT structured binding
for (auto &p : ump) {
cout << "{" << p.first << ", " << p.second << "}, ";
cout << "]" << endl;
// Output: [ {4, w}, {1, p}, {3, r}, ]
cout << "[ ";
// Normal for loop with iterators
for (auto itr = ump.begin(); itr != ump.end(); itr++) {
cout << "{" << itr->first << ", " << itr->second << "}, ";
// Below line also does the same thing
// cout << "{" << (*itr).first << ", " << (*itr).second << "}, ";
cout << "]" << endl;
// Output: [ {4, w}, {1, p}, {3, r}, ]

Reverse traversal: It is more suited with map

map<int, char> mp{{3, 'r'}, {1, 'p'}, {4, 'w'}};
cout << "[ ";
for (auto itr = mp.rbegin(); itr != mp.rend(); itr++) {
cout << "{" << itr->first << ", " << itr->second << "}, ";
cout << "]" << endl;
// Output: [ {4, w}, {3, r}, {1, p}, ]
unordered_map demo
void printHashMap(unordered_map<int, string> &ump) {
cout << "[ ";
for (auto &[key, val] : ump) {
cout << "{" << key << ", " << val << "}, ";
cout << "]" << endl;
int main() {
unordered_map<int, string> ump{
{5, "aaa"}, {1, "bbb"}, {9, "cc"}, {5, "dddd"}, // Duplicate key, so NOT inserted
{4, "eeee"},
// [ {4, eeee}, {9, cc}, {1, bbb}, {5, aaa}, ]
const int TARGET = 9;
// Lookup via find()
auto keyPtr = ump.find(TARGET);
if (keyPtr != ump.end()) {
cout << "Key " << TARGET << " found" << endl;
// Key 9 found
// Can also do: auto &[key,val] = *(keyPtr);
int key = keyPtr->first;
string val = keyPtr->second;
cout << "The entry is {" << key << ", " << val << "}" << endl;
// The entry is {9, cc}
// Lookup via count()
if (ump.count(TARGET)) {
cout << "Key " << TARGET << " found" << endl;
// Key 9 found
// Access via [] operator
cout << "Value at key " << TARGET << " is " << ump[TARGET] << endl;
// Value at key 9 is cc
int newKey = 100;
cout << "Value at key " << newKey << " is " << ump[newKey] << endl;
// Value at key 100 is
ump[newKey] = "WOW";
cout << "Value at key " << newKey << " is " << ump[newKey] << endl;
// Value at key 100 is WOW
// Access via at()
cout << "Value at key " << newKey << " is " << << endl;
// Value at key 100 is WOW
vector<pair<int, string>> v1{
{99, "nn"},
{100, "oh"}, // key already present, so not inserted
{101, "oho"},
// insert()
ump.insert(make_pair(20, "xyz"));
ump.insert({10, "pqr"});
{30, "abc"}, {20, "def"} // key already present, so not inserted
ump.insert(v1.begin(), v1.end());
// [ {99, nn}, {101, oho}, {10, pqr}, {20, xyz}, {30, abc}, {4, eeee}, {100, WOW}, {9, cc}, {1, bbb}, {5, aaa}, ]
ump.erase(99); // erase(key)
auto itr = ump.find(100);
mp.erase(itr); // erase(itr)
ump.erase(1234); // Key not present, so not removed
// [ {101, oho}, {10, pqr}, {20, xyz}, {30, abc}, {4, eeee}, {9, cc}, {1, bbb}, {5, aaa}, ]
unordered_map<int, string> ump2{
{-1, "AAA"}, {-2, "BBB"}, {1, "CCC"}, // key already present, so not merged
// [ {-1, AAA}, {101, oho}, {10, pqr}, {20, xyz}, {30, abc}, {4, eeee}, {9, cc}, {-2, BBB}, {1, bbb}, {5, aaa}, ]
return 0;
void printMap(map<int, string> &mp) {
cout << "[ ";
for (auto &[key, val] : mp) {
cout << "{" << key << ", " << val << "}, ";
cout << "]" << endl;
int main() {
map<int, string> mp{
{5, "aaa"}, {1, "bbb"}, {9, "cc"},
{5, "dddd"}, // Duplicate key, so NOT inserted
{4, "eeee"},
// [ {1, bbb}, {4, eeee}, {5, aaa}, {9, cc}, ]
const int TARGET = 9;
// Lookup via find()
auto keyPtr = mp.find(TARGET);
if (keyPtr != mp.end()) {
cout << "Key " << TARGET << " found" << endl;
// Key 9 found
// Can also do: auto &[key,val] = *(keyPtr);
int key = keyPtr->first;
string val = keyPtr->second;
cout << "The entry is {" << key << ", " << val << "}" << endl;
// The entry is {9, cc}
// Lookup via count()
if (mp.count(TARGET)) {
cout << "Key " << TARGET << " found" << endl;
// Key 9 found
// Access via [] operator
cout << "Value at key " << TARGET << " is " << mp[TARGET] << endl;
// Value at key 9 is cc
int newKey = 100;
cout << "Value at key " << newKey << " is " << mp[newKey] << endl;
// Value at key 100 is
mp[newKey] = "WOW";
cout << "Value at key " << newKey << " is " << mp[newKey] << endl;
// Value at key 100 is WOW
// Access via at()
cout << "Value at key " << newKey << " is " << << endl;
// Value at key 100 is WOW
vector<pair<int, string>> v1{
{99, "nn"},
{100, "oh"}, // key already present, so not inserted
{101, "oho"},
// insert()
mp.insert(make_pair(10, "xyz"));
mp.insert({20, "pqr"});
{30, "abc"}, {20, "def"} // key already present, so not inserted
mp.insert(v1.begin(), v1.end());
// [ {1, bbb}, {4, eeee}, {5, aaa}, {9, cc}, {10, xyz}, {20, pqr}, {30, abc}, {99, nn}, {100, WOW}, {101, oho}, ]
auto itr = mp.find(100);
mp.erase(itr); // erase(itr)
mp.erase(1234); // Key not present, so not removed
// [ {1, bbb}, {4, eeee}, {5, aaa}, {9, cc}, {10, xyz}, {20, pqr}, {30, abc}, {101, oho}, ]
auto moreThanZero = mp.upper_bound(0);
cout << "Entry with key > 0 is {" << moreThanZero->first << ", " << moreThanZero->second << "}\n";
// Entry with key > 0 is {1, bbb}
auto uptoTen = mp.lower_bound(10);
cout << "Entry with key <= 10 is {" << uptoTen->first << ", " << uptoTen->second << "}\n";
// Entry with key <= 10 is {10, xyz}
// erase(start,end) removes key in [start,end)
mp.erase(moreThanZero, uptoTen);
// [ {10, xyz}, {20, pqr}, {30, abc}, {101, oho}, ]
map<int, string> mp2{
{-101, "AAA"},
{20, "CCC"}, // Key already present in mp, so not merged
{-102, "BBB"},
// [ {-102, BBB}, {-101, AAA}, {10, xyz}, {20, pqr}, {30, abc}, {101, oho}, ]
return 0;


Used for clubbing multiple items of different types together

tuple<char, int, double> data('g', 5, 3.14);
cout << get<0>(data) << ", " << get<1>(data) << ", " << get<2>(data) << endl;
// g, 5, 3.14
auto &[a, b, c] = data;
cout << a << ", " << b << ", " << c << endl;
// g, 5, 3.14

Also refer: make_tuple(), tie(),

Other associative containers

multiset , unordered_multiset , multimap , unordered_multimap

These allow multiple entries of a key